Den unge Werther lider på ungdomsscenen. Också Lotte och Albert är kluvna mellan längtan efter den onåbara lyckan och livets realiteter.


Lotte är dock redan förlovad med Albert, som i romanen beskrivs som oerhört tråkig. Werther, som inte kan ge upp sin kärlek till Lotte, blir successivt mer 

Werther, balo günü vurulduğu Lotte’ye zamanla âşık olmaya başlar. Lotte’ye karşı duyduğu aşk o kadar büyüktür ki ona göre Lotte tanrısaldır, kutsaldır, bir melektir ve Lotte’nin yaşadığı köşk bir cennettir. Ancak Lotte nişanlıdır ve kısa bir süre sonra nişanlısı Albert ile evlenecektir. Werther verliebt sich auf einem Tanzabend in Lotte. Doch Lotte ist mit Albert verlobt, der angenehm, aber langweilig ist.

Werther lotte albert

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Lotte loves Werther and acts in a way that merits Albert's (and Kestner's) moral dissatisfaction. This is a passion that is revealed fully, in the first version, only in the climactic Ossian scene where Werther and Lotte embrace: Werther kisses her passionately and seems to possess her for one moment before she comes to her senses, withdraws, Werther is hopelessly in love with Lotte. Lotte is happily married to Albert. So Werther suffers, and writes letters to his friend Wilhelm every night before 12 o'clock, telling him of his struggles. Worried sick, Wilhelm decides Werther needs his support more than ever and travels to Wahlheim. Hovedpersonen, Werther, er en ung borgersøn, som flygter væk fra byen og ud på landet for at nyde naturen og realisere sig selv. På landet møder han den skønne Lotte, som han meget hurtigt bliver lidenskabeligt forelsket i.

Lotte is engaged to Albert. Werther becomes friends with Lotte and Albert, even though it hurts him that they are engaged.

Ester Claesson och Robert Olofsson i Den unge Werthers lidanden på Werther muckar gräl med sufflören, Lotte och Albert kröker rygg i en 

Lotte comes across as nearly flawless and angelic. After her own mother dies, she gladly accepts the burdens of mothering her siblings. From the conversation between Albert and Werther (pages 29-31), it became clear that Werther saw the concept of suicide with passionate eyes.

Werther lotte albert

I brevet framgår Werthers stora känslor till Lotte som sedan leder till att ett brev till Wilhelm innan han lånar Alberts pistol och tar livet av sig.

Hon är i sin tur förlovad med Albert och Werther som inte kan ge upp sin kärlek till Lotte blir successivt mer deprimerad, vilket till slut leder till att han lyfter Alberts  Så möter den unge Werther Lotte som får hans slutna värld att expandera och explodera. Men Lotte är redan förlovad.

Werther lotte albert

Allegedly, Werther respects the institution of marriage to such an extent that he finally removes himself from Lotte and Albert.26 This conformism would explain why Werther ties up loose ends, sends books back to their owners, settles his debts, and orders alms to be paid to his favourite poor people. Werther is an opera (drame lyrique) in four acts by Jules Massenet to a French libretto by Édouard Blau, Paul Milliet and Georges Hartmann (who used the pseudonym Henri Grémont). It is loosely based on the German epistolary novel The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, which was based both on fact and on Goethe's own early life.
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Werther lotte albert

Nästa morgon  Albert is an amiable young man who likes Werther despite Werther’s obvious affection for Lotte. The two engage in hearty conversations often, but Werther’s increasing obsession with Lotte becomes a strain on their friendship.

Zum Geburtstag schenkt Lotte Werther ihre rote Schleife, die sie bei einer Begegnung mit ihm getragen hat und erfreut Werther damit auf höchste. Werther weiß von der Verlobung Lottes mit Albert, doch dennoch himmelt er Lotte weiterhin auch für Albert sichtbar an.
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Werther lotte albert

Albert is an amiable young man who likes Werther despite Werther’s obvious affection for Lotte. The two engage in hearty conversations often, but Werther’s increasing obsession with Lotte becomes a strain on their friendship.

Charlotte/Lotte, amtmannens dotter (mezzosopran). Albert (baryton).

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Ingen vill vara Werther, som det står i pressmeddelandet! Men nu har vi börjat repetera Lotte: Caroline Söderström Albert: Robert Fux.

Meanwhile Werther is this persistent sad third wheel who agonizes over his unrequited love and writes all these feelings down and sometimes it's like, "lol, dude." He receives casual notes from Lotte and apparently kisses The Sorrows of Young Werther (German: Die Leiden des jungen Werthers) is a loosely autobiographical epistolary novel by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.First published in 1774, it reappeared as a revised edition in 1787. It was one of the most important novels in the Sturm und Drang period in German literature, and influenced the later Romantic movement.


Werther's state of mind becomes ever more unstable due to this obvious and insurmountable barrier for his unconditional love. His reason is not able to hold back his emotions. One night Werther visits Lotte as Albert is away. Unsuccessful, he returns to the estate where Lotte and her new husband reside. Becoming increasingly more obsessed with the need to possess Lotte, he alienates his former friends and is banished from their presence.

It's publication instantly made the 24-year-old Goethe one of the first international literary celebrities. Of all his works, this book was the most known to the general public. Werther gives a very intimate account of his stay in the fictional village of Wahlheim (based on the town of Garbenheim, near Wetzlar). Werther mõistab, et üks kolmest, kas Lotte, Albert või ta ise, peab elust lahkuma.